Magical World of Math & Science

Hi. My name is Francis Ang.

Welcome to my world of magic. A new and amazing world where you will truly understanding what creativity is and that truly, anything is possible.

Since 2009, Magic Journey – The Magical World of Math and Science has been enjoyed by thousands of students, parents, teachers and principals. Since 2012, with the help of Singapore Tourism Board and our many travel partners’ support, we have now reached out to thousands more all over the world!

Nurture Your Passion for Learning

My mission is to inspire students to love the subjects that so many hate and are even scared of. For the past 15 years, I have been very blessed with the opportunity to breathe new life into learning.

By using carefully designed magic tricks based on Math & Science secrets, students and adults alike will experience the unique deep sense of wonder, joy, and curiosity that only magic can inspire. The result? I will positively change your perception towards learning forever!

2010_01_25 - Math Magic @ YangZheng 7 - Francis Ang

Discover the Joy of Learning

Once inspired, nothing can hold back your new found curiosity and hunger for all things Math & Science as you begin on your own self-exploratory journey. No longer will you need anyone to remind you or force you to study anything. Math & Science is a joy to learn if you know the shortcuts. These secrets are all around us waiting for us to discover and explore! Come join me in a fun-filled Magical Journey, and let’s explore the Magical World of Math & Science together!

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A Unique Experiential Learning Experience

Are you a principal, teacher or travel agent looking for fun and meaningful workshops for your students and clients? If you are, you have just found an exciting brand new series of workshops that are designed to inspire students to love the subjects that so many hate or are even scared of!

For more information, contact us here and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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* Click on the following photos to enlarge them for your viewing pleasure